
NGO Forum of the 2005 High Level Segment of ECOSOC

Event Details

Mr. Shomik Chaudhuri, Vice President, attended the ‘NGO Forum of the 2005 High Level Segment of ECOSOC’ on the theme “Achieving the internationally agreed development goals, including those contained in the Millennium Declaration, as well as implementing the outcomes of the major United Nations conferences and summits:  progress made, challenges and opportunities” at the ECOSOC Chambers of the UN on March 10, 2005. Mr. Chaudhuri made recommendations at the forum (which was webcast all over the world) on behalf of the Institute, which were drafted as part of the final Report.

The Recommendations of the Institute were published as a part of the Report of the Substantive Session of 2005 held in New York, from 27 June-27 July 2005, as part of Item 2 of the provisional agenda.